Jayme H. Mansfield

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Thanksgiving Reflection

A "Gratitude Tree" given to me by the
Aspen Academy Mom's
Book Club --
It should have been me who gave this to them!

An Unexpected Outcome

I never gave the outcome much thought--the journey to write and publish Chasing the Butterfly had been consuming my thoughts and time for the last five years, plus. Sure, I had my moments of wondering...imagining how my debut novel would be received and what I would do with all the free time (ha!) once the journey was over. Would I be able to muster the "giddy-up and go" to tackle another story and line up for another marathon to try to publish again?

Now that I'm on the "published" side of the fence, having crossed the finish line to claim the title of "author"--I find myself consumed with an unexpected emotion--humility--in its most beautiful sense. I never knew humility, when stirred and simmered with gratitude, can taste so good. Yes, humility and gratitude are a wonderful recipe for my soul. 

For sure, writing and having the opportunity to publish the novel has been a dream come true. It has been a journey with spectacular views and encounters with amazing people. There have been moments of thrilling adventure and many times of severe jet-lag. 

However, the best part of the ride has been the realization of the greatest magnitude--there are wonderful people in the world who truly cheer others on and have a sincere desire to help us attain our dreams. The best part of all...we don't journey alone. These folks climb in alongside, help readjust the GPS when necessary, and then hold onto their hats as we race, often down unknown roads, at an exhilarating speed.

For all the friends, family, and new people who have come into my life, I thank you abundantly for being so gracious with your support, love, time, and journeying along with me. I look forward to traveling with you again and again.

Beautiful decorations transported us to Provence
Joey Fanale brightens any room

Some of my favorite travel mates