Chasing the Butterfly: One Year's Flight


 My Novel's One-Year Anniversary

Having a little fun with Oprah...perhaps she'll consider it next year!

This month marks the one-year anniversary of the release of my debut novel,

Chasing the Butterfly,

and I can solidly say, it's been a year I don't ever want to's going down in this girl's personal history book!

So, it's the perfect time to reflect upon some of the highlights of the last year and share a tremendous

mille fois merci 

(thanks a thousand times!)

 to all who have celebrated, cheered, and joined in the journey to help the


take flight!

Merci To My R


I am grateful and humbled by the number of positive and insightful 

reviews, 5-star ratings, and high rankings

 the novel has received on Amazon and 


. Now I understand the importance of appreciating an author's efforts, and likewise, valuing the thoughts of readers--keep the reviews coming. 

Huge votes of confidence came from readers and the book industry when the novel received the 2015 Christian Small Publishers Book of the Year Award for Historical Fiction and the 2015 Inspirational Readers Choice Award - Women's Fiction, 2nd Place. 

Also, the kind and encouraging words in emails, letters, and casual conversations continue to provide momentum for me to write in what can seem a rather secluded and ambiguous career. When I pop my head up from my computer, look around, and wonder, "Hey, is anyone going to want to read this?"...those motivating words are what push me on to the next scene and the momentous task of completing my next manuscript.

Without a doubt, the friendships that have sprouted and grown from book club visits

are golden. The insights, connections, questions, and genuine love shared with these women have been the unexpected bounty of the year's journey. These experiences, I will treasure forever.

Merci To the Marketing and Publishing Peeps...

When I felt (and still do on many days!) like I was climbing a 90 degree learning curve,

Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas

 tossed me another rope and offered a foothold. Founder Eddie Jones continues to keep me on my toes with out-of-the-box marketing plans, a witty cheer from the sidelines, and an authentic belief in God's plan for his authors. Ultra-exceptional editor, Andrea Merrell, gently combed the stray hairs and clipped the split ends to beautify the novel and bring it to a most presentable state. To LPC and my agent, Jessica Kirkland...a special merci beaucoup for finding the


a home and believing in me.

Not only did we "launch" the novel last autumn, we "rocketed" it to the moon. Along with LPC, Gina Shreck of Social KNX, Mindy Rodenburg of Mindy Rodenburg, LLC.,long-time friend, Heidi Hamamoto, and Meaghan Burnett of Meaghan Burnett -- Marketing for Authors

, were the masterminds behind getting the book in front of so many readers, bookstores, and blogs supporting authors and avid readers. They held my hand through the jungle of tweets, posts, shares, links...and admittedly, still do!

Merci to the Bookstores, Libraries, Author Events, Communities...

I must say, speaking at the Tattered Cover about my debut novel was a highlight. Even though there weren't long lines waiting for me to sign or a scramble for tickets to attend my talk, it was the complete respect and regard the staff and audience shared with me as an author who simply loves to express with words. They get it...despite my absence on the NY Times Best Seller List.

Also, hats off to local favorites, The Bookies, Compleat Lifestyles, WISH, Brushstrokes Gallery (specifically cover artist of the novel, Kelly Berger),and The Lark, for providing precious shelf space and opportunities to sign books at your stores. The Douglas County Library System and the Poudre River Public Library District endlessly support local authors and highlight Colorado talent. 

The folks at The Lark know how to display a book!

Not to be left out, Aspen Academy, my daily stomping ground for teaching language arts, and now visual arts, has rocked the house with roaring support for the


from its inception, and throughout its debut year. 

And finally, my own peeps at my long-time Piggy Toes Art Studio, close family, and friends--mille fois merci for believing and supporting my creative spirit to always take flight!

Here's to continuing the journey! Get in touch if you'd like me to visit your book club, store, library, other speaking event, or if you simply want to chat. You can find me at, respond to this blog, or message me on Facebook! 

And hey, it would be so cool to greet the anniversary with a spike in book sales. Head over to

 and grab a paperback or e-book. An audio book

 is due out in the next few months.

I'll be posting some fun things and giveaways on FB and Twitter throughout the rest of the anniversary month, so be sure to watch!

Truly, I am grateful and humbled...blessed you have shared in the journey and taken flight with me.