Who Are Your Wingmen (or Women)?

Who Are Your Wingmen (or Women)?

Before I take another daily long jump into the intricate process of writing a novel to its upcoming publication birthday, I have to pause and say "Thanks" to my favorite wingmen--James, Graham, Adam, and Ian Mansfield.

While they haven't pushed me aside during this lengthy process and forbidden me to lay a hand on laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking...(yes, you too can add to the list), they have covered my back when I need them most.
So, thanks to my husband and three teenage boys who keep me in check when pancake mix is crusted on the countertop, wet towels blanket the floors, broken windows from stray hockey pucks serve as our air conditioner, and the refrigerator is relieved from ever having to cool too much food. 

These fearless men, always on the lookout for the next fun-factor, keep their author mom from taking herself too seriously. When I am holed-up in my office and studio, they remind me daily to stop and smell the flowers, or in our case, the stinky hockey bags!

We all need a wingman or two. Who are yours?