Jayme H. Mansfield

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Ok, I admit it. I've been dragging my feet (never a good thing for a writer!) to be inspired with the perfect words for my first blog entry in quite a while.

Instead, let me simply throw it out there that I am doing backflips and the Snoopy Happy Dance (as referred to by author Henry McLaughlin), in celebration of my debut novel, Chasing the Butterfly.  I have contracted with Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas for a release in late summer, 2014, both in print and e-book.

So, thanks for coming along with me over the course of the next year (and beyond!) as I navigate the world of publishing, marketing, and writing. I'll be sharing the inspirations for the story, background information, portions of the book, and new writing projects, while continuing to share artistic inspirations that make writing come alive. I will be eternally grateful for your companionship and cheerleading as we continue the journey.